Tuesday, September 27, 2011

When trying to find a specific part that I thought could be used for a close reading from previous articles we had read was kind of a difficult task for me to do. I struggled getting through the Emerson and really had some trouble analyzing that reading as a whole so I thought since I really didn't understand what was going on overall within that article that I couldn't really choose that. So I chose the one I understood the most about Kahns videos because I actually understood what the author was trying to get at when writing this towards his audience. The only part I found difficult was finding a passage with enough to analyze and talk about by close reading it, how do I know that the section I chose was a good one for the close reading? Once I picked what I thought to be a good section to analyze I found the rest came fairly easily to me.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Changing Education

After watching the video on how Ken Robinson believes education should be changed I was quite surprised at what i had heard much of it unexpected ideas I'd never thought of before. I thought it was interesting how he believed that the education system fails for most people. My only question would be how do you keep the kids creativity and out of this state of mind where drugs are being used to calm them down? I feel it would be quite difficult to change a system which is so engrained in our culture over the last two centuries how is this supposed to be done? Also if this system was not more successful for kids why would we continue to use it and not have a movement to make sweeping reform throughout the education system in the United States? These kids with ADHD should not be so medicated rather taught to control this because our society shouldn't depend on drugs as a cure for everything because that's basically what we have turned into don't teach the children control rather give them a pill and they will be fine no need for parental effort.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Literacy Event

After having an interview with an elder I highly respected I was able to get a greater learning behind what a literacy event means to different people. I learned it can be the simpliest thing that leads to a life changing event and doesnt have to involve one's job but it can be anything at anytime without warning.  I know that learning about these events of different people can make me a more whole person and also allow me to navigate through my life at many different angles because these people have had much experience and much time to reflect upon what they have learned and now know today as adults


After our discussion in class and attempting to reread the American Scholar I was able to somewhat understand the point he was trying to get a across to his audience back in the 1800s being a transcendentalist. I discovered that man had to become a whole person by doing most things for himself to become this "man thinking" rather then just a mere thinker. People could no longer be divided as they are today but they would have to come together to be a whole rather then the lifestyle they are living now as in parts and factions.