Monday, September 12, 2011

Changing Education

After watching the video on how Ken Robinson believes education should be changed I was quite surprised at what i had heard much of it unexpected ideas I'd never thought of before. I thought it was interesting how he believed that the education system fails for most people. My only question would be how do you keep the kids creativity and out of this state of mind where drugs are being used to calm them down? I feel it would be quite difficult to change a system which is so engrained in our culture over the last two centuries how is this supposed to be done? Also if this system was not more successful for kids why would we continue to use it and not have a movement to make sweeping reform throughout the education system in the United States? These kids with ADHD should not be so medicated rather taught to control this because our society shouldn't depend on drugs as a cure for everything because that's basically what we have turned into don't teach the children control rather give them a pill and they will be fine no need for parental effort.

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